Fixing Systems
There are numerous fixing systems available to assist you with affixing your plaque to different surfaces and areas. The most commonly used fixing systems are lugs with studs and flat back. For installation of your plaque please contact a qualified stonemason or the cemetery where your plaque is being placed to perform the install.

Flat Back
Suitable for installation on a flat surface on the ground.

Lugs with Studs
Suitable for installation on a rough, angled or elevated surface on the ground.

Studs with Bolts
Suitable for concealed installation on bench seats.

Only suitable for small plaques, usually used for installation on trees and timber seats. (Visible from front)

Straight Lugs
Suitable for small plaques. Installation on angled surface.
Additional Cost

Angled Bracket
Suitable for niche walls.

Straight Bracket
Suitable for niche walls to hold ashes container.

Double Angled Bracket
Suitable for niche walls with larger plaques.

Straight Stake
Suitable for garden beds.

Angled Stake
Suitable for garden beds.